Browse Items (21 total)

An online digital library of data, documents and images from over 50 years of exploration by Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.…

The New Zealand Digital Library project is a research programme at The University of Waikato whose aim is to develop the underlying technology for digital libraries and make it available publicly so that others can use it to create their own…

Since 1994, the Scout Project has focused on developing better tools and services for finding, filtering, and presenting online information and metadata.

Located on the University of Wisconsin-Madison's campus, and part of the University's College…

The overarching goal of the Informedia initiatives is to achieve machine understanding of video and film media, including all aspects of search, retrieval, visualization and summarization in both contemporaneous and archival content collections.

The Digital Research Library (DRL) of the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) supports the teaching and research mission of the university and serves users through the creation and delivery of Web-accessible digital…

The Digital Library Service Integration (DLSI) infrastructure will provide a systematic approach for integrating digital library collections and services. Digital libraries will be able to share relevant services within a seamless, integrated…

The Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) was formed in 1996 to provide infrastructure for campus digital library collections, including both access systems and digitization services. DLPS is a unit of the University Library, and is part of its…

Digital Library for International Research Port Site. Formerly American Overseas Digital Library.

Building on the established libraries and research collections of its twenty-three constituent centers, the Council of American Overseas Research…

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