This digital library was created by Terry (Theresa) Turner and Jessica Pescosolido for ILS 566 Digital Libraries with Professor Liu at Southern Connecticut State University in the spring of 2011.
Mission statement:
Our goal is to provide easy access to the Digital Libraries funded by the SMETE program. Our target audience/users are science educators who are need information and materials available in these libraries, but are uncertain which DLs may best assist them. With this in mind, we are also including digital objects and links that we believe will be either helpful or interesting to our users. We foresee that this DL could be expanded to include other free DLs in the future and our audience would grow to include other users.
Collection policy:
Our intent is to include all DLs funded by the SMETE program of the National Science Foundation. Our initial collection will be the 68 digital libraries selected as options for review by our class. We hope to include the class’s evaluations and enhance the DLs not reviewed with brief descriptions of our own to assist users.
Maintenance plan:
A further logical extension of this DL would be to include other, non-SMETE, public DLs. I believe that we could also happily receive and add evaluations of DLs to this collection as well. For longevity, it seems appropriate to be willing to hand maintenance, upgrades and additions to interested future students of SCSU’s Digital Library classes.
Copyright to publish and distribute works contained within Digitalibra remain with their authors unless otherwise noted within the source materials.
Contact Us:
Email us with questions or comments.