The U.S. Department of Labor Library provides members of the general public as well as Department of Labor employees with access to both historically significant and current resources pertaining to labor. Library users can access labor related…
The NASA-sponsored Telescopes In Education (TIE, project has been wildly successful in engaging the K-12 education community in real-time, hands-on, interactive astronomy activities. Hundreds of schools in the US, Australia,…
DLA, a department in the University Libraries at Virginia Tech, evolved from the Scholarly Communications Project (SCP) that began in 1989. Our focus is working with the university community to host its unique digital resources, beginning with…
Villanova University's Digital Library initiative assembles, presents, and preserves digital collections that support the teaching and research of the campus and the global community of scholars. We work with faculty, staff and regional partners to…
The USU Merrill-Cazier Library supports the teaching, learning, and research activities of Utah State University, a land grant university, and serves the public through learning, discovery, and engagement. The Digital Initiatives Department creates,…
The Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) was formed in 1996 to provide infrastructure for campus digital library collections, including both access systems and digitization services. DLPS is a unit of the University Library, and is part of its…
The Fish and Wildlife Service's online digital media library provides a wide assortment of selected images, publications, video and audio clips that are in the public domain.
The Tufts Digital Library (TDL) is a collaborative effort between the Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) and University Information Technology Academic Technology (UIT/AT). Read more about our services.
The Digital Library provides access to collections of historical images, videos, maps, and more. The Texas A&M Repository provides access to the scholarly output of the University, while preserving the scholarly legacy of faculty. The repository…