Tufts Digital Library http://dl.tufts.edu/
Tufts Digital Library
Tufts University, TDL, DCA, digital libraries, research, open access, open source, full-text, information retrieval, metadata,
The Tufts Digital Library (TDL) is a collaborative effort between the Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) and University Information Technology Academic Technology (UIT/AT). Read more about our services.
The TDL supports the teaching and research mission of the university by creating access to a growing collection of open access digital resources produced and developed at Tufts. The TDL user interface provides innovative metadata and full-text searching tools to discover and view these resources.
The TDL supports the teaching and research mission of the university by creating access to a growing collection of open access digital resources produced and developed at Tufts. The TDL user interface provides innovative metadata and full-text searching tools to discover and view these resources.
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Local URL
“Tufts Digital Library
http://dl.tufts.edu/,” Digitalibra, accessed February 8, 2025, https://digitalibra.omeka.net/items/show/56.
http://dl.tufts.edu/,” Digitalibra, accessed February 8, 2025, https://digitalibra.omeka.net/items/show/56.